
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

The sand is calling....

Beach Day??? Oh yes please!!

I love the beach.  It really is one of my favorite places.  Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved having my toes in the sand.  

Josh and Tabitha recently told us about a small beach they visited about an hour and a half away.  We are right in the middle of the state, so even though we are in Florida, we still have a little drive to get to the beach.  It's worth it though!  They said it was small, but perfect for their little family.  Plus, it was quiet, which is a must. 

 We truly believe that the standards you have in place in your life shouldn't be conditional.  We dress the same modesty-wise at the beach, just like anywhere else.  I have seen too many Christians change their standards for the situation.  Children see straight through situational ethics and see that as hypocrisy.  It's dangerous.  I've seen too many families fall because of it.  So, our family has chosen that what we believe is right for our town is also right for the beach. Or the mountains.  Or on vacation.  So, we choose to go to the beach on mornings when most people don't think about going there.  This way we aren't exposed to the nakedness that is so often found on beaches.  It was a beautiful quiet morning.  And absolutely gorgeous!

Josh and Tabitha were right.  It was a great beach!

When we arrived we realized it was low tide.  I mean very low!  But, that made it fun for my kiddos and they were able to find all kinds of cool creatures!

Coke and Lofthouse cookies on the beach?  Oh yes!!

So thankful that Beth was able to set aside VSIBC's secretarial work and Brenna could step away from her schoolwork to go to the beach with us.  Now that they are adults, my time with them is even more precious!

We had a great morning at Keaton Beach.  We spent a great time together and even came home with a tan (or in my case a burn!)  I even was able to hear the seagulls calling, which is my "I love you" token from God. 

I love my family time and love time at the beach!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being consistent in what you believe. Families like you are few and far between. I am glad you all had fun at the beach. God's creation is so beautiful.
