
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Your Calling ~To revive womanhood

I'm not asked all that often.  And it's usually on paperwork.  But when people ask what is my occupation or who is my employer, I sometimes stop and think, "What is the best way to answer this?" 

Housewife?  This one just seems cold to me.  Maybe it's the word house and makes me think I should be in doors all the time. ;o)  Every women knows that in the season of life I am in this doesn't always happen!

 Stay at Home Mom?  As opposed to a working Mom?  I do believe I work.  And a lot of times very hard.

Homeschooling Momma?  Yes, but there are many other things in my day as well.

Homemaker?  This is the more Biblical term as we are called to be the keepers of our home. But do people really know what this means?

In my quest to find out how to fill in the blank, I have learned this:  I should LOVE my calling in life. At a retreat I just went to, Mrs. Trish McCoy said,

  "Whatever the will of God is for me is my highest calling."

  My calling is first to my husband.  Then, to my children.  I am to build them and my home.  What a beautiful, full, intense calling that God has placed on my life!

I know that the women reading my blog aren't all in the same place that I am.  Maybe you work outside of your home.  Maybe you have raised your children and now are an empty nester.  Maybe you are not married and do not have children.  But, I do know this, we all have a calling in our life.  For the wife and Momma, your calling IS to your husband and children.  Titus 2:5 says that we are to be keepers at home.  KEEP means to watch and guard, to keep close and protect.  That is my calling!  And I truly love it!

So, dear sister, how is that going for you?  Are you watching and guarding what is coming into your home?  Are you keeping your home close or are you striving for other purposes?  Are you protecting it like a mother hen protects her chicks? Or are you as the bird in Proverbs 27:8 that wanders from her nest?  Do you have some specific goals and desires for your home?

We've all heard the saying, "Fail to plan, plan to fail."  If we are to be the best "Keepers of our Home"  we need a plan of action.  We need some serious goals and then we need a plan of action to achieve those.  In my next "To revive womanhood" post I will share the goals I have for my home.  It's a list I look over quite often and remind myself my purpose and the purpose of my home.  Let me encourage you,  ask the Lord, "Is this the purpose You would have for my home?"  Search the Scripture and find out how a Godly home should operate.  It's a wonderful study.

Today will be a day full of schooling, grocery shopping, laundry, and even lunch out with a friend.  I'm hoping for some time to have one on one with my husband as we read a book together.  I will make dinner with veggies from our garden, and may even find time to crochet. And who knows, this just could be the day our new grandson is born (Tabitha is now at 41 weeks!)  It's a busy season. It's sometimes tiring and hard.  There are days we laugh a whole lot.  Then there are days I have to remind myself to keep putting one foot in front of the other.  But, I love it.  It's my calling and I'm so thankful for it!

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