
Saturday, July 16, 2022

Teen Camp

A couple of weeks ago was Junior Camp.  I mentioned we had a great time with Silas and Callie doing some special things. Well, last week was Teen Camp.  Silas and Callie were so excited!  Beth and Josh were again the counsellors.  We were looking forward to time with just our Micah.  

Our first stop was Red Ginger, Micah's favorite restaurant. We laughed and talked and enjoyed this kid!

Me personally, I am not a sushi fan.  I've tried it, but each time I haven't enjoyed it.  Patrick, on the other hand, loves it!  Micah has tried it once before, so it was time for him to try it again.

He loved it!

We were able to fit in some really special time.  While Patrick and Micah went fishing, I went out with some sweet ladies to go shopping and eat Mexican.  We talked and laughed and ate too many chips and salsa.  Perfect afternoon!!

That evening I was invited to go spend the night with my sweet grandbabies.  We had so much fun making monkey bread! Just like when I was a kid. ;o)

Our creation turned out beautiful and tasted so yummy!! After the kiddos went to bed Tabitha and I crocheted and talked, I love my time with my daughter in law.  She is amazing!

Micah and I ran some errands together and went to Burger King.  I just love being with this kid!!

Then my parents were able to come by for a quick visit.  They were so happy to finally meet Patriot!

And he was so happy to meet them, too!

 We had a great week doing many things.  The teens had a great week, too, and came back with many stories, memories, and blessings.  

Just a few more weeks of summer left.  Wow, we have enjoyed it!  But, I'm looking forward to a great school year just around the corner.  Many changes are happening to our school year and we have made some decisions about school.  I'll post soon.  Let's just say I'm more excited about school than I have been in a long while!  Yay for that!

But for now, we have a ton to do!  Next week is our Prophecy Conference.  It's going to be amazing!! Then, VBS, then Brenna's baby shower.  Life can be busy around here.  But, it's a really good busy.  

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