
Sunday, August 7, 2022

Victory Junction

Another successful VBS is in the books!! And it was a great one! Joshua started months before brainstorming and planning.  He really puts a lot of effort into our VBS!  He decided on a western theme and invited all kids to come to Victory Junction.

For our church, we find it best to do a one day VBS.  We start at 10 and end at 3.  It's a long day, but so amazing.  The Saturday before we invite all the church family to come set up.  We work and work and transform our church to go with the theme.  Joshua passes out all the duties and it really does take every member to make VBS run successfully.  That's what I love about our church, we really do work all together.
Freedom is technically too young for VBS, but we let her sneak in anyway.  The girls were so excited!!

And so was Micah.  He's my only kid to be able to actually be a VBS kid.  How did that happen?  Although all of us were there helping out in any way possible.

We had lots of carnival style games set up.

Josh led in singing and games and ran VBS super great.  So proud of my boy!!  He has such an excitement that the kids get excited, too.  How fun!!

Patrick and AJ were "Franky and Freddy."  And were hilarious in their skit.  I laughed so hard!!

It was H O T outside!  We had plenty of popsicles and water for the kids to have during outside game time.

Mining for gold was really neat!

Everyone was excited to dunk the Preacher!  Me too. ;o)

Callie was in charge of keeping the water cups filled up.

We had lunch and crafts and more games.

We had preaching, 
and storytime.
 Beth taught on David and Goliath.

 At the end we had one boy accept Christ as his Savior.  That makes all of it worth it!! I'm so thankful for a great VBS!!

1 comment:

  1. So happy that it went so well. I enjoyed all of the pictures. Praise God for the little boy who got saved!
