
Friday, September 30, 2022

An Amazing Missions Conference

I love Missions Conference time! As my husband puts it, it's the time where our church decides the fate of the world. Will we go and reach them? Will we give to reach them? It's our duty as Christians to have a part in worldwide missions!

We have the benefit to have been on both sides of this: we have went and we have stayed and given. Before  our missions conference we always recall back to our missions days and what conferences were successful and what made them that way. My husband also always likes to change things up as a Pastor. He doesn't want us to get in a rut! So you will never find two conferences exactly the same. This year we were so excited to have the president of Macedonia World Baptist Missions, and our dear friend, Dr Scott Caudill to preach the conference for us. We were also able to have Elisabeth and Brenna's College friends that are missionaries to the Dominican Republic, the Polanco family to be our missionaries for the week. We love these families and enjoyed our time together with them!

I was so thankful that by the end of the conference Brenna felt up to coming! A miracle for sure!

 I had the privilege of taking the ladies out shopping. I remember on deputation being taken out to lunch and shopping and it was such a blessing to me! But I can honestly say it is more blessed to give than to receive! We had so much fun!

 I love missions conference time and our church was able to commit much for the coming year for the cause of Christ! We were able to raise all of our missionary support, begin a new emergency fund that my husband is calling the Barnabas Relief Fund, and also take on the Polanco family! God is so good! 

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