
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Florida Museum of Natural History Field Trip

My kids love field trips.  And I love it when they come across things that they have been learning and it sort of cements it in their heads.  We found some of that at the Florida Museum of Natural History.

Micah, especially, loved seeing the different dinosaur artifacts.  His Paleontology class is bringing dinosaurs alive for him, so he was thrilled to see the skeletons....until he read the description.  He was shocked at how much isn't true and how much is presented as fact.  It's so sad to see that evolution isn't being taught for what it is, a theory.  It takes even more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in creation.  Yet, it is presented to our children as factual.  It goes completely against the Bible and the fact that God made us.  It was good for Micah, and me, to go through the Museum with this on our hearts.  Instead of looking at everything through the belief system of evolution, we chose to look at it through the Bible.  As Micah shared what he's been learning, he taught me so much!  As we looked at all the artifacts, I found myself singing, "God made it all!!"  How can you look at the awesomeness and particulars of each animal, whether extinct or still alive today, and not believe that we have an awesome Creator God!  He's so amazing!!

We had fun in the area for kids to explore.  They created fish and looked under huge microscopes. They played games teaching them about Archaeology.

 We had an amazing day.  And a wonderful bonus of meeting up with other homeschoolers?? ...Times for Mommas to sit and chat and relax!  I think I need these field trips just as much as they do!

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