
Saturday, September 3, 2022

Mam-maw's Bowl

"Lolli, can I use Mam-maw's bowl for my fruit?"  I guess that question took me by surprise.  It's been 7 months since my Mam-maw took her last breath here on earth and went to heaven.  It's so strange, but in someways it feels like she's been gone so long.  Yet in others, it seems like it was only yesterday.  It seems like she should still be here.  I easily forget she's gone (or maybe I'm really choosing to...) but a couple of times I've found myself go to pick up the phone to call her and tell her something.  Big things.  Little things.  Chatty and Newsy things.  But, I can no longer do that.  

We find ourselves talking about her more and more.  I've been making more of her recipes and they are always a hit.  When someone says they love it, I love saying that it was Mam-maw's recipe.  They smile, and so do I.  We all miss her.

So when I was dishing up Liberty's fruit and she asked for her bowl, I was so thankful.  I was thankful that even though my grandbaby didn't know Mam-maw like I did, she can still know who she is and how wonderful she was.

I can teach her that Mam-maw loved pretty things.  Like this bowl that I have from her.  I can teach her that Mam-maw was a homemaker.  From cooking, baking, sewing, cleaning, doctoring Mam-maw was an expert.  I can teach my grandchildren that Mam-maw loved the Lord.  I can still hear her praying, "Lord, help me to always do right."  And now I pray that everyday as well.  

And that is a legacy that lives on.  Psalms 78:4 says, We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.

The generation to come needs to know, and it's my duty to pass that on.



  1. Yes, it is your duty to pass it on. I only knew one grandmother and didn't really like her. It wasn't until after her death that I learned more about her very hard life.

  2. Great post Kami! Made me smile and cry at the same time. Miss her so much. Great memories.
    Psalm 100

  3. Great post Kami. Made me smile and cry at the same time. Miss her so much. Great memories.
    Psalm 100.... The last part... to all generations.
