
Friday, September 23, 2022

Things can change in an instant. So thankful for the prayers of God's people

 I feel like I can breath again.  We had one of those moments in our family, that took our breath away, yet we knew God was guiding and directing.  His peace in times of uncertainty is a treasure to me.  

It started early Monday morning with a text from AJ asking if I could come check on Brenna.  He said she was very confused and disoriented and just didn't seem right.  After that it was a whirlwind.  I thought the best way to explain it would be to copy the facebook updates Patrick was giving.  It was amazing to watch God's people all over the world pray for my daughter.

His first update:Prayer Request:. Brenna was being taken to the emergency room this morning at about 7:30 because she became delirious, confused and not sure even how to get out of bed. But on the way to the emergency room she began to throw up and then started getting unresponsive. They're trying to get her to the nearest fire department for some EMT help right now. Would appreciate any in all prayers at this time for Brenna AJ and little baby Asa.

(This was scary. When I got to their home, AJ and decided she needed immediate medical care. I followed AJ in my car for him to take her to the hospital, then when he pulled over we knew we needed to get her to the ambulance. I'm so thankful a fire department was close by.)

A short time later he posted this update:

Brenna update:.

She is in an ambulance now heading to Shands. She could not answer the EMT's as to what day or year it was nor could she tell them who the president was. Her left hand was getting numb. We'll know more when she gets checked out at the ER. Thanks for praying!

(At this point in the ambulance she couldn't remember Asa's name, and when she got to the hospital she didn't even know she had a baby)

Then a few hours later was this update:
Update on Brenna:
She's been transferred to a room. She has eclampsia and might have had a seizure. They have medication going in her now and are trying to get her blood pressure down which is really high. She is still really confused and semi-alert. She is swollen too the point that her eyes are barely open. But she is stable for now. Thanks for the multitude of prayers!

The next was this one:
Brenna update:.
Thank you everyone for your prayers. The doctors at Shands and the nurses are awesome. They immediately took care of Brenna and have confirmed that she does have eclampsia and did have a seizure. We think the seizure was on the ambulance ride to the hospital. They thought maybe a possible stroke but not confirmed. She's gaining a little bit of her memory back and is on an upward trend. Her blood pressure is slowly making its way back down. We praise the Lord that God protected her life and are so thankful for the numerous amount of prayers that went up on her behalf.

Then was this one:
So overwhelmed, grateful and incredibly blessed to have so many friends and family praying for Brenna. God has had His hand on her all day without a doubt. She has improved much since this morning. Her blood pressure is still high, but they are working to get it down. Her confusion has started to subside, although she doesn't remember most of today. They plan to keep her for 2 days at least.
Asa is doing fabulous and has been content all day. The hospital and nurses have been very supportive for her to have the baby with her. AJ has been amazing as well. We are so thankful God gave our girl a man that absolutely adores her. He has taken care of her constantly.
To say thank you seems such a simple thing to say for how thankful we are for everyone lifting up her name to the throne of God. But, nonetheless, I want to say a very heartfelt, "Thank you" I love each of you so much.

The next day was this one: Brenna is doing better today. PTL! Her headache has decreased and her blood pressure has lowered some. She still is pretty swollen. Thank you again for all of the prayers

And the next day was this one
Our Brenna is home from the hospital! Thank you so much for the prayers for her. We are so grateful! She is on the mend and has a great team of Doctors that cared for her. Impressed with Shands once again. ☺️
God is so good!!

Whew! What a week! It was scary for sure, but I am so thankful for God's hand on this situation. From guiding the EMT to know how serious this was, to giving each doctor wisdom....I am just so thankful for it all.
My Brenna could still use your prayers for the days ahead. She still has some memory loss and will be on seizure protocol for at least 6 months, but she is home. She is good. Praise God.


  1. So sorry to hear this but so very thankful that she is doing better, praise the Lord!! And...thankful she has been blessed by such a loving husband and family....prayers for her and all as the journey continues!!
    Many blessings,
    ~The Mayo Family

  2. Wow! I don't even know how to respond except that I am glad everyone knew what to do and that Brenna is recovering as a result. May God give all of you rest and peace during this time.

  3. It certainly was a scary time but thank God for prayers and answered prayers. So glad to hear Brenna is doing much better and she, AJ and Asa can get back to enjoying new family life together. Giving God praise along with all of you.

  4. Wow! That had to have been scary! I am so glad that Brenna is doing better, and that God brought your family through this time safely. We love you all!
