
Monday, October 31, 2022

Pastor Appreciation

Every year during October our church spoils us.  They make us feel like we are celebreties.  We are so undeserving to serve alongside these amazing people.  So blessed we are!

They always pick a Sunday in October and tell us to arrive a couple minutes late.  This is something we never do, so we always know something is up.  As we walk in they all stand and cheer.  I mean like hooting and hollering cheering!

This year they had us sit on the 3rd row.  That was strange.  We never sit there.  I don't know why but it made us all laugh.  But, we did as we were told.

/Then they proceeded to give testimonies on how thankful they are for their Pastor.  It always makes me so thankful and quite teary eyed too.  I see what no one else sees.  He carries burdens for his people that others will never know.  For him to be appreciated so well makes the burdens a little lighter.  We are so thankful for the people of VSIBC!

They gave us many, many gifts.  They also gave my hubby a very nice new Bible.  He loves it!! And who doesn't love to smell a new Bible?

They gave me a giftcard to Cheesecake Factory. Yay!!! 

And a nice giftcard to a local salon.  Manicure here I come!

Then they decided to take up $10 giftcards to give to my kiddos.  All in all there were over $900 of giftcards they were able to split.  Wow!!

 We truly are blessed to serve with an amazing group of people.  They love us so much and we are so grateful!!

1 comment:

  1. This post was such a blessing to read.

    "I see what no one else sees. He carries burdens for his people that no one will ever know about."

    How true this is of a pastor!
