
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Thank you for your prayers!!

 Thank you so much for praying for my Dad.  It was a comfort to know that I could put out a message and have people praying.  

Dad is doing better!! I am so thankful!  The ambulance took him to his local hospital, which is a good place.  But, it wasn't the best place for him after just having surgery to remove lung cancer.  Things were pretty scary hearing what was going on.  They didn't want to keep him long, so at 3 AM they transferred him 2 hours north to the Moffet Cancer Center in Tampa where he had had his surgery.  They are amazing there and quickly started caring for my Dad.  A couple of days later and he has improved so much!! I even talked to him last night on the phone and it was so good to hear his voice.  I cherish that.

Thank you again for your prayers!


  1. I'm so glad to hear this good news! Prayers for continued healing.

  2. Great to hear. You’ve had a prayer filled couple of months.

  3. Continuing to pray for your dad, my friend. So glad to hear that he is doing better. Love you!
