
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Little pieces of gold?

Chickens are the first animal we bought we when moved out here in the country.  We've had many flocks since then.  Some lay well, some don't.  Some tolerate heat, some don't.  We keep learning all along the way.  

Our little flock decided to start laying again.  Woo Hoo!! Eggs are expensive!  I joked the other day with the girls that we were collecting our gold. :o)

We like to rotate out our hens when possible if they get too old.  Callie just sold her Cream Crested Legbars.  She kept her Rhode Island Red, Lavendar Orpington (my favorite), Laced Wyandotte, and Golden Sex Link Chickens.

 And then she added 9 chicks to the flock.  They are Novogen chickens.  They are supposed to be heat and cold tolerate and lay well.  We will see!  So far they are doing great!

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful grands! And the size of those eggs amaze me...Pure Gold! Love your posts and check in often to keep up with your family and life.
