
Friday, February 17, 2023

My Sunday School Class

Through the years I've been blessed to teach different Sunday School Classes.  When we first got married, I taught 4-5 year old boys.  That was fun!  I've helped Patrick as we taught many different ages from elementary to teens.  When we planted VSIBC, I became the teacher for 4-12 year olds.  It was great!  Then, we divided my class and I taught 7-12.  But, as our church has grown, and God has brought wonderful people that want to serve alongside us, my roles have changed.  A few years ago we decided that I would be with Patrick in his adult Sunday School Class.  I loved it!

But, then our Sunday School nursery began to grown and babies began to be born.  Yay!  It was getting more difficult for my Beth to teach her toddler class as well as have the babies to take care of.  So, I asked if I could be the Sunday School Teacher for the babies.  It has been great!!!

Since we've moved into our new building, we've had to be creative with space, especially so that the babies don't get trampled.  Tabitha set up the perfect area for me to keep the babies.  I feed them, change them, pray out loud for them, and sing with them.  I love it!!
Beth is on the other side of the half wall with her 2-3 class.  She does such a great job!! I'm so proud of her.  

I love my little class! I love that God lets me serve Him in this way.  I love my church family!

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