
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The greatest moments of being Lolli

Being a Lolli (or grandma) has completely changed my life.  I never realized how much these precious kiddos would take a place in my heart.

They smile, and then I smile. 

They need me, and it makes me smile.

Sometimes they even get in trouble, and as a Lolli, I smile because even then they are so cute!  

There are many great moments in being a Lolli.  Like when they reach for you,

Or when they are so excited in little things they get to do with you, like go to the park, or have tea parties.

I love the moments when they fall asleep in my lap and they are content. And so am I.

I love when they look up at us and smile with their eyes.  Even though they can't talk yet, you know they are saying, "I love you Lollipops!!"

I love the moments I catch them doing something new, like standing on their own and I get excited, and then they do too.  We have the same humor and same excitement. :o)

I love when they want to show me new and crazy things.

I love when one of them is wearing something new and can't wait to show me, 

or when they are just as excited as me about a new goat coming to live on our little farm.

I love to watch their eyes light up as they experience new things.

There are so many amazing moments when being a Lolli.  But I think one of the very best moments is when.... get a late night call to come over.  As you arrive you see Freedom at the door with excitement. She is having a hard time waiting to share her news and keeps asking her Daddy, "Can I tell them now??"  Once we all come in and sit down, she smiles a smile that brightens the night and says, "I got saved!"  Wow, what a moment!  I know the Bible says the angels rejoice when a soul gets saved, but there was definitely a lot of rejoicing happening here, too.  We are all so happy for our Freedom!  She is almost the same exact age her Daddy was when he realized that he was lost without Christ.  He realized that all his good things he did, even as a little boy, would never be enough good to get him to heaven.  He needed a savior, someone to pay his way.  He realized that that is why Jesus died, to pay his sin debt to heaven.  He did all the work for us!  Just as her Daddy prayed and asked Jesus to come into his heart and save him, Freedom did the same. 

So many great moments being a Lolli.  But, I think moments like these are the best!!

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