
Friday, August 4, 2023

Getting close!!

It was January 2019 that my girl's head started flooding with ideas.  It was then she began writing "The King's Heart in the Lord's Hands."

My Beth has always been a writer.  In school that was where she excelled, whether in papers, short stories or poetry, she loved it.

So it was no surprise to us when she began writing.

She completed the first draft of her fiction book about a year ago and asked me to read it.  I LOVED it!!! Then, I read it to Patrick out loud.  He loved it too (Even though it is a little romancy. ;o)  )

Then, she printed her draft and her and Patrick began the long process of story edits and line edits and all these new terms that Beth is teaching me.  She has spent 100s of hours on this book!  And it is almost finished!  She hopes to send her final copy off in the next couple of weeks.

She will be self publishing through Amazon.  I will be posting the link when it's available!  (I think I'm already her number one fan. ;o) )

So, if you are looking for a nice fiction read that is pure and holy, with an intriguing storyline, this is it! 

I'm so proud of my girl!!


  1. How awesome that your young daughter will soon be a published author. Many want to write a book but never do (me being one of them, lol). I'll keep my eyes posted for the link.

  2. I can't wait to read it and ask questions about the publishing process. BJ and are a good way through editing Part 4 of my five-part memoir. It is a huge process, and I greatly admire Beth for the work she has put into it.
