
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Book Signing on the calendar!

 Wow! My daughter is really an author! It has been amazing to see her book have such an impact on others! She's heard of teenagers, ladies and men as well, enjoy her book.  There have been believers and unbelievers read and she has had such a great response!

The King's Heart in the Lord's Hands is available on Amazon. And yesterday her new book Redeeming Louise became available as well!

We've been in contact with our local library and they are letting us hold a book signing in their meeting room. If any of my readers happen to be in the area I would love for you to attend! It will be Saturday, December 9th, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. at the High Springs Library. There will be refreshments, a meet and greet with Elisabeth, a giveaway to enter, and just a really great time. She will also have both books available for purchase and of course she will be willing to sign them 🙂 🙂 I am so proud of my Beth!


  1. Can’t wait to read her new book. And we definitely plan to try our best to get to the library on 12/9. KimberLeigh Maxson

  2. We can’t wait to read Elizabeth new book. And we also plan to come see her at the Library. KimberLeigh Maxson

  3. Awesome! I want to read Elizabeth's books too. It might take me awhile though. God bless the book signing.
