
Saturday, November 11, 2023

Too Filled?

 I've had something on my heart lately, and as I've dwelt on it, I realize that it may possibly not be just me.  I'm thinking other wives and mommas may be dealing with the same thing.  We live in a different world than we did 10-15 years ago.  I like when we live, don't you?  The benefits are unbelievable! The communication and information at our fingertips is amazing and so easily accessible.  For my personality type, it can be a day filled with to-do's and learning and absorbing, I just love it!

I often go through my day with my list at my fingertips (I'm still a pen and paper list-making type of girl!)  I look and see what I can accomplish and how efficient I can be. I often listen to a Podcast while driving (Mostly if I'm alone.  If my kiddos are with me this is prime talking time!!)  Or I watch a Youtube video while doing dishes or taking a walk.(My favorite topics to watch are about raising goats, minimalism and homeschool curriculum)  My goal is to lay my head on my pillow at night and have a sense of, "I made every moment count!  I did and accomplished as much as I should!  Now hurry and go to sleep because tomorrow there are many great things to be done, too!"   I love a productive day!!

Now don't get me wrong, we need to be doing and busy about the work God has for us! (I just spoke at a ladies meeting about "Abiding with Joy in the Busyness of Life"  I'll share that devotion soon.) We have such a small amount of time here on earth and I truly believe we shouldn't squander any of it!   But I thought of something the other day while sitting around the campfire with our teen girls from church.  We somehow got on the subject of songs that make us cry.  One girl mentioned a song (I don't deserve what I've been given by Brian Stanley)  and we all agreed that it was one of our favorites.  Someone grabbed their phone and turned it on and we all sang it around the campfire.  It was so good!  Then, as we sat looking at the fire, I thought to myself, "That was nice.  I haven't listened to that song and really thought about it in a while."  Then it hit me.  Why?  I have always loved listening to good, thought provoking music... Music that causes my heart to stir in thankfulness, conviction, joy....all the things music should do.  Then, I realized why.  In my effort to accomplish, do, and be productive, I haven't really been STILL.  

As I've prayed about it, and pondered it since that campfire night, I realize that I'm too full.  I have grown in the habit of multi tasking that I've filled up my mind and thoughts with so much stuff.  None of that "stuff" is bad in and of itself!  I truly believe that podcasts and youtube are a wonderful tool for us to learn and grown in our life!!  But, I believe I've forgotten to "Be Still."  

Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God:"  It was an interesting study to look up 'still.'  It means to relax, withdraw, become less intense, be quiet.  I haven't done that in a while.  But, I know I should and I hadn't realzied I hadn't!!  I have gotten too full.  

Could you, dear sister in Christ, be too full as well?  When was the last time you went about cleaning your home listening to Godly music that stirred your soul?  When was the last time you just washed dishes and all you heard are the sounds  of your children playing around you and you pray for them and for each person the Lord brings into your heart?  When was the last time you sat and was just still?  It's been a while for me, too.

I want to change that.  I heard a preacher once say, "When you say No to things that make your life too full, life becomes sweet."In effort to accomplish so much and not to miss out on being productive in my day, I've missed out.  I've missed out on the sounds of life around me.  I've missed out on good songs to stir my soul, I've missed out on hearing the Holy Spirit's voice in my daily life.  Life is too short to be missing out.

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