
Thursday, February 1, 2024

My Writer now a Speaker

We were all so excited when a wonderful oppurtunity opened up for our Beth!  She was asked to speak at the Fort White High School!  They were having a literary week and hand selected 30 students that were interested in writing.  Their theme was building resiliency through reading.

Beth did so well!! She spoke so clearly and captivating.  She started off with questions to get to know the students better.  I watched as she had them all engaged in her words.  She was even able to speak about the importance of writing what you are passionate about.  She told them that her passion was to write about purity and her faith in Jesus Christ.  What an amazing oppurtunity!

Afterwards she had students come up to ask her questions, read her their poetry, talk about what they are writing about and even take a selfie with her!

So thankful for our wonderful friend, Lena, that was able to set all of this up for her!!

The school also bought 6 of Beth's books.  It was very surreal to see them on a public school's library shelf!!

 I am so excited about all that God is doing through Beth.  Or should I say through our Elisabeth Kristine!

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