
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Enjoying life

Several years ago Micah started having dizziness. It baffled the doctor and he's seen several specialists and had some crazy tests done. Last year our doctor referred us to Nemours Children's Health on Jacksonville. The wait list was almost a year long . So we waited and waited and watched God work! Slowly that was dizzy spells that were happening twice a week. Went to once a week then every two weeks, then once a month, and we have now hasn't had one since November! I decided to keep the appointment because it took us so long to get in and I wanted to make sure we had our foot in the door. 

Today was his appointment and it went so good! It appears he has Pediatric Vertigo with a migraine aspect. They believe he is in the process of out growing that. Praise the Lord! As he and I went to the Children's hospital today we saw children that are very sick. Today I am praising the Lord that that is not the path He has chosen for our family at the moment.

None of us know what tomorrow may hold. Life can change in a moment. That's why I want to be determined to live for Christ in the Now. In this moment. I've learned that when I purpose to live for Him I have no regrets. I have purpose. I lead a life well led in my Master's loving care. 

So today I explored a children's hospital with Micah. We laughed. We made memories and I enjoyed my boy and the life God has given us. 


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