
Friday, April 5, 2024

Scottish Tea

Beth's next book has a character from Scotland. He's quite an interesting fellow that Beth has created. She's been doing lots of research into Scottish traditions and customs. While doing this research she discovered that a Scottish tea is quite different than an English tea. She decided it would be fun to host a Scottish tea with some of her friends and experience it!
It was a beautiful setup that she created! She brought out all of her silver service wear and tried to add pops of purple which happened to be her favorite. She also added in some keys which happens to be the theme of Heart of Purity Literature. The tablescape turned out very beautiful!
Her and Lena spent several hours baking and baking and baking.
They made clotted cream and baked cream buns. She also made scones and potato tatis. There was fruit and meat sandwiches and lots of cheese. It was so delicious!
She also had trivia and conversation starters. The conversation was definitely lively and we had so much fun and giggled a ton!

It was such a beautiful afternoon, a beautiful, delicious Scottish tea, and wonderful friends!


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