
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Baby Azariah

Baby Azariah is here!! So happy to welcome in grandbaby #6.💕💕💕

Brenna had a super fast labor that started at her Midwife appointment. She called me from the waiting room to let me know contractions had started about 8 am and were getting stronger and closer together. 

From her appointment she went straight to the hospital where she was getting pretty close to delivery.  Azariah was born at 12:01. That was quick!

We are all in love already!! He's adorable!

Asa was so happy to meet his baby brother. He gave him a bunch of kisses and was pretty curious about all the fun buttons and levers in the room. 😂

If you've read my blog for a bit, you remember that Brenna had quite a scare after Asa with eclampsia. So far Brenna is doing great and monitoring symptoms. Prayer would be appreciated for her that this doesn't happen again this time. 

Welcome to the family baby Azariah! We are praying now that one day you will make the most important decision a soul could ever make! We are praying that you will see your need of a savior. And that Savior is Jesus Christ! 



  1. Congratulations to Brenna and her husband on a beautiful addition to the family. I'm so glad that delivery was quick. I do remember the eclampsia problem and I pray that this time there will be no incident. God bless all of you during this joyful time in your lives.

  2. She is sooooooooooo cute! I love the picture of Asa looking at his mom. Congratulations to all. Stay safe and healthy.

  3. Welcome to the world, sweet one! You have been blessed with a BEAUTIFUL and God-fearing family...praying for this next season to be a peaceful one and that Brenna would not experience any complications! We are so happy for you!
    Love and blessings,
    The Mayo Family
