
Monday, September 23, 2024

Who is He?

 What does your day look like today?  Will it be busy around your home or in your city?  Do you have mounds of laundry to wash or will you find time to have a quiet moment to read a good book? Will you have time to have coffee with a friend or to spend some extra moments with your husband laughing?  I was challenged today about those moments that I have and how my responses will answer a question.

I was reading in Daniel 3 the amazing story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  When Nebuchadnezzar made the idol for everyone to worship it says that he called "all the people" to worship.  It's important to recognize that by worshipping this idol created byt he King, they would not be worshipping the true God.  "All the people" had a choice to make.  There were many nations there and many beliefs represented. But don't think that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were the only ones that knew the True God.  Many had been taken captive at different times and some sources say there were most likely around 7,000 or more jews at that time serving under Nebudchadnnezzar.  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego weren't alone.  But we only hear of these 3 standing up to the king.

It's interesting Nebudchadnezzar's response when these 3 men were brought before him for not worshipping his idol.  He asked them, "Who is that God that shall deliver you??"  Who is that God??

He was about to find out!  I love the story of how all 3 were thrown in the fiery furnace.  And while the onlookers thought they would see a horrible sight of men burning alive, they instead saw 4 that day in the furnace.  They saw the God that the king had asked about.  

Who is that God?  He is the one that stood with the 3 men that day.  

Who is that God?  He is the one that didn't forsake his children when they faced tribulation. 

 Who is that God?  He is the one that gave them peace in the midst of  the biggest storm of their life!

If we put that in perspective of our lives today, let me ask, Who is that God to you?  Prayerfully, none of us will face a trial like these 3 men did.  I know the women that read my blog are a lot like me.  Our days can be filled with serving those in our home as we prepare meals, do laundry and make sure to keep our little humans alive as we go about our day.  As my children have grown older my days are starting to look different as we are filled with school and serving at VSIBC.  Yet, I know that there are those watching us and asking, "Who is that God?"  

Who is He to me?  

Do I live like He is the one walking right beside me? 

 Do I live as if He is the only one I worship and adore?  

Do I live serving others because that is how I show I love Him?

No matter the size of trials that come our way, our responses and reaction answer that question.  Our children are watching.  Our friends and family and neighbors are watching. 

I love reading the king's response in the end.  He says, "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego."  and then he said, "because there is no other God!"  Their response mattered!  They answered his question of "Who is that God?" by their actions.

So let me ask you, Who is that God to you?

1 comment:

  1. A great question! God is my everything.I try to live each day as if he is standing right beside me and because I love him I want to do the right thing even when no one is watching! The world today seems so much more challenging since I started my journey through life with God but I'm so thankful to have him beside me through each chapter of life. May God continue to bless you in your journey.
