
Monday, November 25, 2024

Homeschool Group Fun

I'm so thankful for our Homeschool Group. It has been really growing this year! My kids love it!! 

We went to the Natural History Museum in Gainesville and then to a park for the kids to play.

 Another time we went to Dudley Farms. They gave us an amazing tour!
Asa had a great time too and loves hanging out with his friends! 
Some of our friends from church are caretakers at Dudley Farms. They were right there to tell us all about the history of the farm and how life was in the 1800s in Florida. It was amazing! And made us very thankful for the time we live in 🙂

I am thankful for a great group of friends for my kiddos. It's definitely iron sharpeneth iron type friendship! 

And I'm thankful for the friendships I have with their mamas! It's so fun just to sit and talk and breathe and relax and have an afternoon together!


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