
Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Presidential Election

 When I started this past summer planning for our school year, I knew I wanted us to do a government unit that included a study on the election process. Since it's a presidential election year, it was the perfect time to do it!
I found a great unit made by Sonlight that we loved! It was very thorough, had a lot of great history and a lot of great vocabulary and we all learned a lot. Me especially!
The day of the election we printed out a poster of the United States.
Then I had Silas, Callie, and Micah fill in the electoral votes that each state would receive.
Then we headed off to our polling location to cast our votes! Well, at least me and Beth cast our votes. Patrick had voted earlier in the week.
Even Hobbes got in the patriotic spirit!
That night we prepared a ton of snacks and watched as results came in. If a state-turned blue or red I had the kids fill in the right color.
It was quite a nail biting night wasn't it?

But then got really exciting too! We were doing a lot of praying!
We are so thankful for the results and for for America voting in Donald Trump. We are also thankful that our state stayed conservative, especially on amendment three and four. We had some pretty big things on our ballot this year!

 To God be the glory, great things he hath done!

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