
Friday, January 24, 2025

"Christmas" with Mom and Dad

I said that my last post would be my last on Christmas.  It sort of was. :o)  Each year at New Year's my parents come to visit and we celebrate Christmas with them.  It's such a perfect time for them to come!  It wraps up our holiday perfectly :o)
We enjoy dinner together then exchange gifts.  Mom and Dad are so thoughtful and buy many things for each of us.  It's so sweet.  They do this for all of their children and grandkids.  How do they do it? Mom starts early!  I mean summertime early.  I love it and want to be like her when I grow up. :o)

Then we just enjoy some time together.  They love looking around at what's happening on Storybook Farms, they enjoy our property, and especially enjoy their grandchildren and great grandchildren.

 And just like that, Christmas was over.  Now it's on to 2025!  It's going to be a great year!!

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