
Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy 12th Birthday Joshua!!

I can't believe my baby is 12! He's growing into a fine, protective, fun, very active, young man. He is the prankster in our family and loves to play jokes on all of us. He's good to his sisters (most of the time) and loves to wrestle with his Daddy. It's amazing how protective of me he's been since I've been pregnant. This morning we were carrying laundry to the laundromat and he carried things for me, because it was heavy. How sweet. He does this for me all the time.
For this years birthday he asked for an apple pie instead of a cake. Since I want to be a pie baker when I grow up :) I said sure!! He got up early to open his gifts, had apple pie for breakfast, then we headed to Mt. Airy. It's the town Andy Griffith grew up in and the town Mayberry is patterned after. That evening we had Subway and watched his new movie "Savage Sam". It's the sequel to Old Yeller. It was a great movie for those of you who haven't seen it. We had a great day with our 12 year old boy. We love you, Josh.. Happy Birthday! By the way, isn't he so handsome!


  1. Happy Birthday Josh, We love you. Stay the way you are....I love it. But don't play to many jokes on me. :-)

    Love you,
    Love, Grandma

  2. Happy Birthday Josh! What a fun way to spend a birthday. I like your tradition of waking up and celebrating right away.
