
Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer Goals

Taylin posted about how her summer goals are coming along, so I thought I would do the same!
Everything is going great this summer. I've had a little bit of pregnancy sickness to battle with along the way. I'm not going to call it Morning sickness because it's pretty much all day. It's off and on. Some days are great, others are not so wonderful. I shouldn't complain, some ladies get it so much worse. For those of you who don't know me very well, food is my passion! It's hard to be excited to sit down to eat a meal and then not be able to eat much of it. My Mom has been such a great encouragement to me. I love you, Mom! Anyway....about my goals...
They are going very well.
-We went to the creek! That was an easy one.
-Marc's blanket is almost done. If I could put in an hour on it tonight, it will be complete!
-I've been exercising everyday for 20-30 mins!
-My albums are almost completely updated. Today I'm going to buy one more album and fill in the dates and places. 1 hour max, and I'll be done with that goal!!
-I've started getting Josh's album updated.
-Done some work on all other goals, but not quite there yet.
-Unclouded day is coming along! We're almost ready to sing and play it in church!
So, that's how my goals are doing. It's been a fun, relaxing, yet productive summer so far. I'm already working on my Fall goal list! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are doing great. Fall Goals . . . already?? I can't wait for that post. I like seeing what are on other people's list of 'To Do's." Thanks for sharing!
