
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Our Day

Today has been a good day. My family is happy and healthy, my house is somewhat clean, my laundry is sort of caught up (will the last two ever be completely done?), the weather is gorgeous. ..... I think the Lord knew I needed a good day. We've been praying about being able to take a trip to Michigan to my family reunion. This year it's our 40th and this year all of my family will be there...even my Dad! I really wanted to go, so I began to pray and ask the Lord if it's His will that he would let us go. (There's a couple of things we prayed would take place, so we would know for sure). The Lord answered my prayer...but, it was a no, this time. Of course I am a little disappointed (okay, maybe a lot. But, don't tell my kiddos!) But, more than anything I want to be in the center of the Lord's will. We don't always understand His ways, but I know without a doubt that His ways our perfect. The Lord is so good to me!
Anyway, back to my day...We started our day as usual, with some personal time in God's Word. For some reason, Silas is a little clingy today, so he read right next to us. Except his book was "Noisy Farm".
Brenna and Beth both have been sweet to read to Silas. He loves to be read to. I think I have another reader on my hands!
Today I had a "Pow Wow" with JEB. I told them to meet me in the Living Room with pen and paper. I asked them several questions and they were to write down as many answers as possible. There were many questions. Some of them were....What are your strengths? weaknesses? What do you want to learn to do? What do you have a burden for? Do you have any goals for when we get to the mission field?
After they wrote their answers I talked with each one of them and reviewed their answers. It's amazing to see what they believe their strengths and weaknesses are. I loved hearing their goals for the future and their burdens. I have some precious children. We talked about developing their strengths and working on their weaknesses. They looked up Bible verses about their weaknesses and made a poster of the verse and posted it near their bed.

We've done a lot of French studying today...and plenty more is still on the adjenda for today! At lunch Patrick told the kids he'd take them to wade in the river for just a bit this afternoon. This is a picture of them headed to the river through our neighborhood.
It's been a good day.
Another good day.
God is so good to me.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you didn't get to make it to the reunion but I understand. We had a great time. You are a good Mom....the pen and paper idea is a good one. Love stuff like that. Keep up the good work. God is so good. Love and miss you,
    Love MOM
