
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thanks Grammy!

Friday night we had a terrific family night! We decided to go with a "Cuban" night. Patrick made his cuban beans and rice (always a favorite around here) and I made a pork roast. It was very good. For dessert we tried a recipe that we had at a church in Miami. It was Natilla. Has anyone ever had it or made it? It's a type of pudding is the best way to describe it. It turned out good, but grainy, so I was wondering if there is anyone that has made it before, if they have any pointers. While I was stirring the Natilla (a very tedious process) I was talking to Denise (Patrick's Mom). She said that Silas deserves a bite of Natilla too. For those of you that don't know...I'm a little protective of my Silas. I'm not all that adventurous to give him foods that he technically doesn't "need". Patrick often sneaks goodies to him, like creamy mashed potatoes (loaded with salt and butter) yogurt, bread, lemonade, to name a few. So, my Mother in Law basically pressured me :o) into committing to give Silas some Natilla. He loved it! My Silas loves his food! He still tends to grunt/MMM during every bite. He's not really begging for more because he only makes this sound when the spoon goes into his mouth. Silly Boy! Thank you Grammy!

Also as a side note (I guess sort of a brag :o) I submitted a recipe to and they put it on the site! Yippee! It's a recipe that I received from Amanda (thanks Amanda, love ya!) and have tweaked a bit (more savory, less sweet) So far 4 people have reviewed it (one is my Mom, so maybe she doesn't count) and I have 5 stars! Yay! I've submitted a couple of other recipes, but it's supposed to take time before they're reviewed and submitted. Here's the page if you want it. Arkansas Green Beans - All Recipes
Hope you're having a great day! Live for Jesus, you'll never regret it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you bragged. I love allrecipes. I just put this in my recipe box and will definitely be trying it and adding a review. It sounds yummmmmy!!!!

    By the way...feed that baby :)
