
Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Day Thoughts

Today was our first day of school... New School Year, New Grades, New Curriculum, and in a New Country. I think we had a very good day. We enjoyed using ACE. I know this was just our first day, and I'll form many more opinions (good or bad) about our curriculum this year, but I thought I'd share a few thoughts I had from today.
-JEB (Joshua, Elisabeth, and Brenna) were very excited to start school. I guess you can tell when your summer should be over. Your kids are ready to go back to school and get on a routine!
-They all loved A Beka (Me too), but were excited for a change. Brenna said this morning it was weird not having to keep looking up at a DVD player.
-We're definitely learning the in's and out's of ACE. They use a little bit of different terminology than what JEB was used to in A Beka. We're also still learning about scoring, when to mark and X and when to circle it. We're learning, but catching on quick.
-I love the Freedom we seemed to have today. The children were done before lunch. They had plenty of time to complete their morning charts: Bible time, making-bed, chores, etc. They had some free time after lunch to do any studying they felt they needed to do, do any projects (Beth and Brenna both had a Science project today and a Social Studies project and we're working on projects for our family fun night tomorrow night), they were able to practice their instruments, study french, write some letters and have free time. I'm so glad they have time to just be kids. One downfall of A Beka is that it seemed to take forever, then the homework afterwards...there was hardly time to play. I feel like (for today, I know we just started :o) there was time for education, life skills, and some time to play. And, to do all three of those things well!
-I also loved the independent learning today. I think they felt pretty proud of themselves for setting their goals for the day and grading their work. They weren't totally independent, they definitely still had plenty of questions, but they did very well.

It was a great first day and I'm looking forward to this school year as the teacher of Learning is Fun Academy!

1 comment:

  1. Love you thoughts for the day. YES!!! kids need to have time to be just kids.

    Love and miss you all
