
Friday, September 4, 2009

Pea Soup and Bread

My dear friend here in Quebec, Madame Estelle, is helping us try all of the traditional Quebec dishes. We absolutely loved Creton. Last Wednesday she brought us Pea Soup. When we first talked about Pea Soup, I didn't think it sounded all that appetizing. (I'm not a big pea fan...but, don't tell my kiddos! They think I love all veggies!) When I opened the lid to the soup, it smelled fabulous! She also brought bread to have with the soup. The bread is called Menage, which, in French, means to clean-up. Weird name for bread, huh? We all loved the pea soup, even Silas! I blended some up in our Magic Bullet for him and thickened it with his rice cereal. Thanks, Madame Estelle, we're lovin' your cookin' !!


  1. He has big handsome eyes. I was hoping they would stay blue but I think they'll be a smokey gray. Then they'll turn brown. He looks soooo cute. The soup looks good but I didn't see any peas. :-)

  2. that looks really good. David would love the "clean up" name for his bread because after every meal he likes to take his bread and soak up all the juices (or clean up his plate with it) :)
