
Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Best Decision I Ever Made

28 years ago, today, I made the absolute best decision in my life. You're probably thinking .(hopefully) Kami's not old enough to have been married 28 years ago...or have kids...what could it be? Although those are extemely important moments in my life, the very most important, and very best decision I have ever made was when I decided what would happen to my eternal soul. 28 years ago today I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior!

My church (Winkler Road Baptist Church) used to hold Halloween Parties and have Haunted Houses at the church when I was little. For many good reasons, they no longer do that, but, when I was 5 Mom took us to the party and Haunted House. Of course, I was scared, ate a bunch of candy, and had a great time. At the end of the night they held a small devotion. I honestly don't remember anything the preacher said. But, I do remember at the end he asked us to bow our heads and close our eyes. Then, he asked a question that forever changed my life. He asked, "Is there anyone here that has never been saved? Is there anyone that doesn't know if they would go to heaven when they die?" Of course, being a 5 year old, I'd never been deep in heavy sin or rebellion, but, I knew that I wanted to go heaven when I died and I'd never done like the preacher had asked and asked Jesus in my heart. So, I raised my hand very innocently, but obediently. He then said if you have your hand raised to walk to the back of the room and someone would be there to talk to you. As I left my Mom's side, I walked to the back and saw Mrs. Grace Selby there. Mrs. Grace worked in Awana's and she was there waiting to talk to me! She took me into a little Sunday School room and shared some verses from the Bible with me about knowing how to have a home in heaven. She showed me Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" She explained that we were all sinners...people who do things that are wrong. I knew that. I knew at age 5 I wasn't a perfect little angel! Then, she showed me Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death" Since I have sin in my heart, like everyone else, I deserved hell. You see, sin cannot enter heaven, and the price I had to pay for my sin was death....death in hell forever. But, I'm so glad that God, in His mercy, didn't end the verse there! It goes on to say, "but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" God had a very special gift for me. He loves me so much He didn't want me to go to hell when I die. He wants me to be in heaven with him! His gift to me is Heaven! Wow! But, like any other gift I can't work for it, or be really good..He's freely giving it to me! I can only have this gift because of what Jesus Christ did for me. He took all of my filthy sin and put it on himself on the cross of Calvary. He died and paid that wage for me, so I wouldn't have to! Thank you, Jesus. She then showed me Romans 10:13, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved." Like all other gifts, this gift of heaven isn't forced on me. It's freely mine for the taking. All I had to do was call on the name of God...pray to Him! I had to pray and tell Him I know that I'm a sinner. I asked Him to forgive me for that sin and come into my heart and wash All my sin away. I then asked Him to save me from hell and take me to heaven when I die.
So, that's what I did. I prayed that night and the Lord saved me and now I'm on my way to heaven! Yipee! Since that day, I haven't been perfect, of course not! But, the Lord is with me to stay. I fail Him, yet I have the promise that He will never leave me, nor forsake me.
I'm so thankful for that day...October 31, 1981. Thank you Mom for being so faithful in attending every activity at church that we could go to.....if it weren't for going that night, I wonder when and if I would have been saved. Thank you, Mrs. Grace, for sharing the gospel with me! My life will never be the same....I'm so thankful for that decision! What about you...have you decided where you will spend eternity? We all must go to heaven or hell when we die. Have you accepted His gift?


  1. You are right that is the best decision someone could make! Happy Spiritual Birthday! You laid out the plan of salvation so clearly! Love you sissy!

  2. AMEN!!! Praise the Lord for the best decision you've ever made. You explained the plan of salvation like an expert. So anyone can understand. I remember the night it happened and again Praise the Lord.
    Love and miss you,

  3. Thank you for sharing your testimony! What a blessing.
