
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Breakfast of Champions

I was a little nervous when I woke up today thinking about my appointment. So, I figured I should start the day with a good breakfast. I layered low-fat vanilla yogurt, mixed berries, and granola in a glass. The kids loved it! And I have to say it was a satisfying jumpstart to a busy day. This morning we decided to do another quick call to our Health Insurance to make sure everything is covered before I headed to my first prenatal appointment. This particular person told us of a few different things concerning our coverage. Needless to say, I was concerned our Birth Center and Midwifery services wouldn't be covered. With 5minutes to leave, I wasn't sure what to do...Go and possibly pay $5,000 out of our pocket? Go to a OB instead where we know we'll be covered (after deductible, of course :o) ? Wait and possible lose our status at the Birth Center? (There's a waiting list to get in) I'm so thankful for a level-headed husband who truly seeks the Lord's will for our lives. We truly believe the Lord has a plan and we just have to ask! He even has His hand in where we should have our baby! So, Patrick said for me to go ahead and go to the appointment and ask lots of questions about our insurance. If the questions can't be answered, then we'll wait. Well, 5 minutes before I arrived at my appointment (Patrick and the kids stayed home because my little Silas is sick. I've never been to a prenatal appointment by myself!!!) Patrick called. What a Godly man I have! He had been praying for the Lord's will and direction. He said go ahead and go to your appointment, don't worry somuch about the insurance questions, Everything will be okay. After I hung up with him, my worry left and the Lord gave me peace. God's peace is irreplacable! I went to the appointment and it's amazing!!! The midwife I am assigned to is also the midwife to a missionary in Chad, Africa. She said she's going through some of the same problems with itemized receipts, and bills. The Health administration is working on providing her with the needed items for her insurance company too! The midwife said that by the time we have our baby they will have it all figured out how to deal with our insurance company!! Isn't that amazing!
I really liked my midwife and her student midwife working with her. They both speak English!! Yay! They were very thoughtful and were in agreement with the desires I have for Birth. We are probably about 11 1/2 weeks right now and the baby's heartrate was a healthy 160. I go back in 2 weeks to have bloodwork done.
I'm so thankful for the Lord's guiding hand, His peace, and His umbrella of protection in my husband. Thanks, Babe! You helped me through this almost difficult day and made it a fabulous one! You helped me have peace. I know you wanted to be there with me, but you're an awesome Dad to be able to take care of our 4 at home while I was taking care of the new baby. I love you!

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