
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas at our House

I saw this at my friend Susan's blog ,ByGrace I thought it was fun, so here's a little about Christmas at my house:

About the TREE....
1.When do you put up the Christmas tree? We prefer Thanksgiving Night, but this year it was a couple of days after.
2. Real or fake? We love real! But, next year it will be fake. I'm not sure if you can get a real one in St. Barths! If you can, I'm sure it's expensive!
3. Lights? What color? This year they are clear and green...that's a first for us!
4. Garland? actually, no, not this year. I don't know why we don't?
5. Theme or no theme? Sometimes we do a color theme, like this year we have green and teal and I LOVE IT! But, we always do our traditional ornaments from the past.
6. What kind of topper? A star, and I 've always been the one to put it on, Patrick connects it...this year it's looking pretty shabby, but when I mentioned getting a new one the kids sort of went hysterical and couldn't believe I was talking like that!
7. What's your favorite ornament? OOHHH, I don't really know! I love having our ornaments that have dates on the back of when we got them. We have one that Patrick sent to me when he was in the Air Force that was our first ornament as a couple. That's pretty neat!
8. What does your tree skirt look like?Can you believe it? I don't have one! I told Patrick I want to buy one for sure after the holidays (On sale!)
9. Where do you put your tree? Always in front of a window in the living room. It's funny because whenever we move somewhere new that's one of the first things we figure out is where the tree will go! (We've lived in 10 homes during our 15 years of marriage!)
10. Who decorates the tree?We all do as a's tradition!
11.What's "under" the tree?Lots of gifts! We love to go through and look at them often! (And do a little shaking and guessing, too!)
12. Do you put candy canes on your tree?Ha! The girls just did that yesterday!

About the FOODS....
1. What's your favorite Christmas cookie? All of them! I can't just pick one!
2. Do you bake cookies and give them away? Absolutely! That's our plan for Saturday
3. Any candy or food you only have at Christmas time? We always have eggnog, although I'm the only one that drinks it...I'm on my 4th container this season so wonder I'm picking up weight!
4. What do you eat Christmas EVE? Our first Christmas together we decided to start a tradition of going out to eat on Christmas Eve to a nice dress up dinner. That first year we went to the Butcher Block and I had prime rib for the first time. Some years we haven't been able go, 2 years ago we did Hibachi! We're planning on going this year, but not sure yet where!
5. What do you eat on Christmas day? I always make my overnight Turkey and it's great because I start making it around 10 or 11 on Christmas Eve and by Christmas morning the house smells wonderful!
6. Do you like Eggnog?Me? Oh dear, I think I do a little too much...By the way, I just found a recipe for EggNog bread that I'm going to try!
7. Do you like candy canes? Yes! I had one Sunday Night! I like sucking them until they're sharp!

1. Where do you hang your stockings? Anywhere we can figure to put them.
2. Do you put lights on your house? Usually we do, this year they're in storage in Florida :(
3. Got any outside lawn decorations? No
4. Do you put up a nativity Yes, but it was somehow left in storage too :(
5. Do you hang mistletoe over the door? Every single year! I love kissing my honey!
6. Got a wreath on your front door? No, I feel bad about that too! My Mom is so good to have wreaths for the season!
7. How long does it take you to decorate? Just the one night, we all do it together until it's done.

About the movies/shows
1 . Favorite Children's Christmas TV show/cartoon?Disney's Christmas Carol or Charlie Brown Christmas
2. Wonderful Life/Miracle on 34th St/A Christmas Carol (Scrooge) It's a Wonderful Life, but I love all 3!
3. Favorite Christmas movie?? It's a Wonderful Life

Other Christmas things....
1. Favorite Christmas book or story? Of course the true meaning of Christmas from the Gospel of Luke. We always read it together on Christmas Eve by Candlelight
2. Do you stuff your stockings with any types of food? usually candy is somewhere in there
3. Do you go to church on Christmas or Christmas Eve? If there's a service, then we're there!
4. Have you ever gone Caroling? Yes!
5. Favorite Christmas Carol? O Holy Night
6. Do you believe in Santa? No, and we taught our kids from the beginning that Santa isn't real, he's just fun make believe like the Tooth Fairy.
7. Do you leave Santa cookies? Ha! I was just telling my kids the other night that even when I knew Santa wasn't real, I would leave my parents cookies! But, there's always that night that me, Keela, and Tabitha thought we saw Santa's sleigh out of the window! Remember that?
8. Do you make a "list"? Oh yes! My Mom asks for one every year and we have fun making one together. We also like to got to the store together and talk about what we'd like.
9..Do you shop on Black Friday? Sometimes...last year was the best! I was up at 3 am with my Mom and sisters! I loved it!
10. ARE YOU READY FOR CHRISTMAS? I know Patrick is! He took a family vote to see if we should open gifts early! I vetoed that one!

I sure do love Christmas time!
Okay, fellow bloggers! Copy, Paste, and let me see your answers!


  1. It wouldnt fit so I sent you an e-mail. :-)

  2. 1. When the girls were younger we would put it up Dec. 15. But now it gets earlier and earlier every year.
    2.Definitely Real. Although we did have a fake one for a few years. I love the smell of fresh cut trees.
    3.For the past 7 years, all white. Before that we had colored.
    5.Of course, the Christmas Theme. :-)
    6.A star. I can relate to what you wrote Kami. That's something you and your sisters would do if we tried to change anything.
    7.An old bell or one with mine and Yale and the 4 girls names on it.
    8.A white sheet with gold fabric on top. I want to make a special one.
    9. By the front window so when you're driving down the street you can see it.
    10.Now it's just me, but Sarah helped me some this year. We use to all decorate it together and play Christmas music and then have cinamon rolls after. Memories. :-)
    11.Lots and lots of presence. I love it.
    12. No

    About the FOODS..
    1. That's a hard one...I think the peanut butter cookies with a hershey kiss on top. Or the soft sugar cookie that's pinched in the middle with a little dab of fruit in the middle.
    2. I use to but now I make Fudge to give away.
    3. Chocolate covered cherries. mmmm
    4. a nice Christmas Eve dinner.
    5. A special Honey Kut Ham dinner with all the fixin's with all the family here (well, most of them, whoever's not here they are here in spirit and in my heart.
    6. Yes, I love eggnog but I have'nt had any yet this year.
    7. Yes, love candy canes.

    1. We don't hang stockings anymore. I think we'll do that next year.
    2. Yes, I love Christmas lights. Especially when you're walking in at night and it's so lit up.
    3. yes, lots of lights. A blow up Nativity, a plastic childs nativity and a blow up Frosty.
    4. Yes, I collect Nativity Sets. I have 14 set up in the house and two outside. I have 4 for the children to set up and play with.
    5. YES!
    6. Yes, I even have several wreaths on the inside doors.
    7. A couple of days.

    About the movies/shows
    1 . Prancer, Miracle on 34th Street.
    2. I always watch It's A Wonderful Life.
    3. It's a Wonderful Life

    Other Christmas things....
    1. Luke 2
    2. No
    3. Yes, Winkler Road Baptist Church for Christmas Eve Service. It is so nice, the lights are low or there is candlelight and the music is soft and the whole church is decorated so nicely.
    4. Yes!
    5. Silent Night, A Tiny Little Baby, Away in a Manger. O Holy Night. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.
    6. I did when I was little but I also knew the true meaning of Christmas. When I found out there really wasn't a Santa...I just couldn't believe it. but I wasn't warped or anything like that.....or wait....maybe I am, maybe that's my problem. :-)
    7. No, not anymore. I'm the one that always ate them when the girls would leave anything out.
    8. Yes, I love Christmas Lists. I even have saved a few from when the kids and Grandkids were younger. I always try to listen throughout the year for hints on what everyone would like to have or someday get and then get that for them...sometimes it's not on their Chrismas List.
    9. Of Course...I love it. This year though I had been sick, I wanted to go so badly. When Tabitha came to pick me up at 4 a.m. I just couldn't make it. I was crying but Yale and the girls were all so thoughtful. Tabitha, Taylin, Bethany & Meisha (Keela had to leave to get ready for work) came back with breakfast at 6:30 to pick up Mother and I and then I was able to go. :-)
    10. Almost. I've got my packages mailed and most of the presents bought. Still havent done my Christmas cards. Got some wrapping to do. I love wrapping gifts. Taylin comes over to help me, we fix us a coke and put on It's A Wonderful Life.

    I love Christmas Time.
    I wish the whole family could be together. Maybe next year.
