
Monday, December 14, 2009

Fast Forward

Do you ever feel like time is on Fast Forward? That's how I've felt lately, especially when it comes to my Elisabeth. I'm noticing more and more that she's turning into a young lady and isn't such a little girl anymore. She's changing and growing up and is such a joy to my heart. She prefers to be called Elisabeth now rather than her life long nickname "Beth". Wow! That's hard for a Mom to switch. She'll always be my Bethy, but in public I do call her Elisabeth now. She's become very capable. I see the Lord molding and shaping her to be a lady. She's very modest and careful of her appearance. She's pretty particular about her hair being messed up! She makes an excellent Pumpkin Cheesecake and is such a help to me in the kitchen. As I write she's in the kitchen making a batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies! MMMM I can't wait! She has so many positive character qualities, but the one that stands out to me the most is her diligence. She's so faithful to complete her schoolwork and chores to the best of her ability and is diligent to do so. She's also a faithful prayer warrior. You should see her prayer list! She has it all divided into categories and prays for so many people. She spends quality time praying to her Lord and I love seeing her devotion. She recently showed me her prayer list. She's added that she would like to one day visit Egypt and see the pyramids. How neat!
I remember her being born and the excitement I had to have a daughter! I dreamed of all the things we would do together: shopping, baking, many things. I hoped and prayed we would have a good relationship. Wow! All my hopes, dreams, and prayers have come true. We love to do so much together. I know my "Bethy" is about to embarq on teenage hood. I've heard some people complain about their teenagers. I pray that will never be me. Even though Beth will be 12 in a few months, she's still a little girl that loves her dolls and stuffed animals. She's growing up and thinking more and more on older things, but she's still enjoying being a kid. I'm so thankful. I want to enjoy each and everytime the Lord's given me with my girl. I'm so thankful for her and I love it that she still calls me "Mommy"!


  1. I know the feeling of being on fast forward, especially with the kids. My Beth is actually Elizabeth too, but she still goes by Beth. She'll be 17 in January, and she loves to bake, just like your daughter! Enjoy having someone to do your baking for you!

    Beth is our youngest; our boys are 18 and 21. Their teen years have been great - we've never had a bit of trouble with any of them. I think a lot of that has to do with all the time we've spent together on deputation and homeschooling. And part of it is that we established things like authority and discipline with them when they were little, so as they grew into teens, there was never any question whether we would even tolerate any rebellion. It just never happened, for which we praise the Lord. The most amazing thing is how much we laugh and play when we're all together. The Lord has been so good. We just lived and loved our kids, and He grew them up for us! LOL

  2. aww, this makes me cry, or at least swallow hard. I love Beth :)
