
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Our First Winter Storm of the Season

On Tuesday night there were reports that a winter storm was heading our way. You should have heard the excitement in our house! The children have been waiting and praying and hoping that bunches of snow would come our way soon. Our landlord even called to make sure we were prepared. Wednesday as we were coming out of Language School, the snow began! We made a quick stop at the Post Office and by then it was coming down pretty heavy. The winds were also pretty bad and you could hear some howling through the afternoon and night. Some of the gusts were supposed to reach up to 65 miles per hour. Patrick and I slept with our curtains open that night. We love watching the snow fall and the color of the sky when it snows is so beautiful! It was hard to tell exactly how much snow we received. The winds blew it all over! We opened our door the next morning and saw that some of the snow had blown into our mud room. Josh was up at the crack of dawn ready to start shoveling. He read his Bible and prayed, ate his breakfast and got dressed and was out shoveling by 7. He had so much fun!

Patrick was pretty excited to be shoveling too! He was out there not much after Josh. I think we'll have the cleanest driveway in the neighborhood this season!

Throughout the day today the snow kept falling. Il fait beau!! It is beautiful! After school Patrick took the kids sledding down a really good hill near our house. I wanted to go with Silas so bad, but he still has a really bad runny nose and I'd like for him to get well first. Hopefully he'll be ready for some sledding soon.

The kids also worked on their snow fort this afternoon. They're already looking forward to after school tomorrow to be able to play in the snow! I think they're going to love this winter!


  1. Oh, I just LOVE it!!!! I wish I could come a make a snowfort with you. You guys are going to love the snow. Don't forget to make some snowcream. mmmmm

  2. how fun!! Glad they are getting to enjoy a different climate :)
