
Thursday, December 31, 2009


I love New Years Time! I love looking ahead and setting goals for the upcoming year (That will be tomorrow's post) But, I also love looking back on the previous year. I love to look at the many blessing from God, the areas we need to improve in, the memories made.....I thought I'd share a few of those: January We began the New Year of 2009 praying and waiting for our new baby to arrive. Just like 2 of his other siblings, he arrived exactly 4 days late, but right on time. We welcomed Silas Boone Gimenez into our family January 6, 2009 at 12:31 am. Having a new baby has changed our family so much, but we've loved every minute of it! February With no time to waste, February took us back on the deputation trail. It sure is different going to meetings with a newborn! Silas had a bit of colic that puzzled me and Patrick. We worked through those sleepless times. And I spent plenty of services in the nursery with my newborn.

March We had several meetings out of Florida and were glad to return to Hattiesburg, Mississippi. We saw many friends and stayed with the Hartmans. We loved it! And so did our children!

April The month of April was exciting, as well as difficult. This was the month we packed up and moved to Canada. It was hard saying goodbye to all of our family, but we were also excited to take the next step in the ministry the Lord has given to us. One of our concerns (should I say worries?) was our motorhome still hadn't sold. We owed a whole lot of money on it ($40,000!) and not many lookers interested in buying. We knew we would be taking a huge loss. We prayed and asked the Lord to please sell our motorhome and help us with the difference. We finally had a buyer, but he only offered us $26,000. We would be stepping into a $14,000 debt. We decided we needed to take a huge loss and get rid of our motorhome. We took a step of faith that the Lord would somehow provide. Our home church, Winkler Road Baptist Church, gave us a send-off service. The Deacons and Trustees prayed for us and it was such a sweet time. Then, as everyone shook our hands and told us goodbye, they stuffed our pockets with checks and cash. It was unbelievable! As we went back to my parents house that night, we counted the ones, fives, tens, twenties, fifties, hundreds, and checks, and guess what the amount came to!!!!! $14,000 exactly! The next day we walked into the bank with the buyer of our motorhome and paid off our loan in ones, fives, tens, twenties, fifties, hundreds, and checks! Wow! Isn't God good! I will never forget that day for the rest of my life. God is so good and provides right on time!

May At the beginning of this month (on our way to Canada) Patrick's Dad passed away. We're so thankful that he accepted Christ as his Savior and one day we'll see him again in heaven. It's been a hard time for Patrick, especially during a major move out of country. 2 days after we arrived in Quebec Patrick flew back to For Myers to be with his Mom.

June This month was a month of settling in to our new home and getting used to having everything in french. As of this month we also have a teenager living in our home!
We also started classes with our French tutor! Boy, have we got a lot to learn!

July We've enjoyed the beautiful outdoors and even went camping in July! Quebec has beautiful weather this time of year and we enjoyed our yard, walking in the park close by, and camping in Maine.

August Quebec city is gorgeous! We've loved exploring the Old Town and enjoyed a visit from the Nyes.

September Now, we're officially in Language School. We have a wonderful Professor that is so patient with us. We also spent a lot of the month scouring thrift stores buying the needed things for the upcoming winter.
And, we found out we're expecting another blessing from the Lord due in May 2010! God is so good!

October This was our month of traveling. We had two meetings, one in Niagara Falls, Ontario and another in Nova Scotia. We've enjoyed seeing different parts of Canada, but really loved being to drive through parts of the US (New York, then Maine) to get there! We also enjoyed the changing colors and tried to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible.

November We were able to be with our friends The Hambys for Thanksgiving and be in the Missions Conference for their church also. The fellowship with other missionaries is something we have enjoyed so much!

December This month brought ice storms and snow storms. The kids love it outside and have fun sledding, building snow forts and having snowball fights. We had a good Christmas at "home" here in Canada.

It's been such a good year and we're so thankful for the many blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us. Looking back, it has flown by so quickly. Like the Bible says, life truly is a vapor that appeareth for a time, then vanisheth away. I can never relive those moments. That is time spent. It makes me want to give all the time I do have left to the Lord. Live for Christ, you'll never regret it!

1 comment:

  1. Time goes by so fast. It's sad in a way but exciting that we get to start over in a new year. I'll never forget that night at church when you all receive the love offering and everyone was giving you money and checks. When we got home and Patrick and Taylin started counting the money.....first I think it was Patrick crying, then me, you and Taylin...when Patrick held up a check and said "the Van's paid off" and then the kids counting their money. It was a blessing to how God works in our lives. To see the need, we were all praying, and then to see our prayers answered almost at the very last day. Praise the Lord!!!!
    I hated to see you leave...that was so hard but I'm thankful you are doing what God wants you too.
    Love you and praying for all of you. Love and miss you, Love, MOM
