
Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Here We Come!

On New Year's Eve we had a family "Pow Wow" (family meeting) The day before I gave the kids each a paper with 5 columns at the top. They were to pray about it, fill in goals for the year under each column, and be ready to discuss the next day.
The five columns were: Spiritual, Physical, Family, Fun, and Other.
It was a great time discussing the upcoming year and realizing that next year at this time we could be in St. Barthelemy or getting very near getting there! How exciting!
Of course, my list was the longest. I tend to be a little Obsessive, Compulsive when it comes to lists. I remember my friend Tammy looking at one of my lists one time and ask me "What is 'la la la' ?" I couldn't believe she didn't know that means 3 loads of laundry! :o)
One thing I love about blogging is that it makes me accountable with all of my goals that I set. So, I thought I'd share a few for this year!
~Have my quiet time alone with the Lord before the children wake up. (Praise the Lord, Silas just started sleeping until 7!)
~Memorize a verse in English and French (as a family) every month. (I want to make some sort of holder, or a special place we will put this verse so we can say it together before each meal)
~Sing one special a month in church as a family in French.
~Have a theme ready for our Bible ready each month. (As we read through the Bible we love to look for certain topics and share them with each other. For this month as we read, we're looking for all the promises that God gives us. I love reading in the same place as the rest of my family so we can talk about it and discuss it)
~Patrick has a goal of doing like the book of Deuteronomy says and having the Bible more in our home. I'd like to help him with that by having more verses and scripture visible in our home. I have a few crafty ideas, we'll see if they turn out.

Physical (Do I dare share these?)
~Before 12/31/10 I'd like to be back down to 140. (I never thought I would say back down and 140 to be after it, but I'm trying not to set my goals to high and be disappointed. I'm trying to remember this isn't a wish list, but goals......trying, trying, trying) (Lower would be better:o)
The baby is due May 19th, so that will give me time to try to get to my pre-(this baby) pregnancy weight. I would love love love to be at my pre-Elisabeth baby weight!
~To exercise at least 5 days a week. Really exercise! I've always wanted to be a runner. I know that sounds so silly, you're probably thinking, "Then go out and run!" But, you don't understand, I hate to run! Pretty confusing, I know. So, I would just like to aim to be active everyday...exercise bike, walk, play in the snow, etc.
~Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day.

~To make Patrick the happiest man on earth! Meet his daily needs and to be a true, encouraging help meet for him!
~Plan individual time with each of my children on a regular basis. Do you ever feel like you're with your kids all the time, but not really together? I want to have special memories with them individually.
~Be more creative in my praises of my family (Leave more notes...they love those!, make their favorites to show them I'm proud of them, does anyone have any other ideas?)

~Have JEBS personal albums caught up by April 15th.
~Have all 5 kids albums caught up by the time we move from Canada
~Make a baby boy quilt (We usually don't find out the sex of our babies before they are born, so for Silas I made a girl quilt and a boy quilt. I still have the girl one, in case we're having a girl, but I want to have a boy one ready too!)
~Learn how to do "Free Quilting" with a darning foot (Mom, you beat me to it!)
~Finish my "Quilt Block of the Month" quilt
~Finish my "Gimenez Family Cookbook" online. (That's one of the gifts my parents bought me for Christmas is for me to make my own cookbook online. I'm so excited and we've had fun picking out our absolute favorites!)
~Go to a walk to Old Quebec (we have a trail by our house that leads all the way to Old Quebec. I'd like to do that before we leave) (I noticed this was on all three kids lists too!)
~Ride the rollercoaster in the mall by our house. (Of course, after the baby is born!)

~Focus on French everyday!
~Give my testimony in French (remember this is a goal for 2010, not for January!)
~Have our ACE school done by May 10th. (Don't you think it would be great to have school done before the baby comes!)

So, there you goals. I love this time of year! Ask me in 6 months how it's going...Hopefully I'll say "Wow! I'm accomplishing so much this year!"


  1. Just wanted you to know that your goals were very encouraging and inspiring. I pray the Lord will help you in reaching and accomplishing each of them. Happy New Year!

  2. Kami,
    These are great goals! I hope the Lord allows to reach all of them! He is so faithful! One of the ways I spend time with my children individually is by taking them (one at a time)grocery shopping with me.They are on a rotation (which they keep up with very well!).I let them decide where we eat lunch (usually a fast food place),and we talk about whatever they want to talk about.It is amazing how much I have learned about my children during these talks! You could do something similar when they do something that you want to praise them for.Maybe instead of taking them out for lunch,you could take them out for ice cream! God bless you and your family!

  3. WoW!!! Those are some good goals and I know you will achieve them. You do a great job spending time with the kids and having fun, and I'm glad you're going to do more one on one time. Especially with the baby on the way. I know how it is having a teenager and baby and two inbetween. God is so good. Live and love every minute.
    Love, MOM

  4. very inspiring Kami!! Love you!
