
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Homework

Yesterday the children started back to school after having a wonderul Christmas break. It was a great relaxing time, but it's also good to be back to the swing of homeschooling. Our semester ends January 15th and we're shooting for the goal of being done with school by May 10th. My Mom is coming for when the baby is born, and then Patrick's Mom and brother are coming to visit in June! Yay! We love company and this will be our first visits from family. So, it will be good to be done with school before then. We'll have to work hard, but it's great to have goals to work towards and see an end in sight. We already are making summer plans! :o) Madame Claire assigned us some homework for during our break. Patrick and I don't go back to school until next Tuesday, so we're still working on doing all of our homework! One of the things we have to do is some reading. We have several books to choose from. We've read some children's books and have had to give oral reports on them. Now, we're up to preteen novels! I love to read, so reading in french is one of my favorite assignments. Madame Claire said not to use our dictionary as we read over Christmas break. She wants us to try and get the main idea and not worry too much about all the little details we don't understand. Well, I couldn't help it. I used my dictionnaire some. I had to find out exactly what the boy thought of his eldest sister and why she was sad! And I had to know why the father was gone so much! (Now, I know he's a truckdriver!) And when they described the food the neighbors were making, you know I had to find out what they were cooking! :o) I loved reading this book "Le royaume de Bruno" I could relate to it very well. The boy loves his neighborhood and has many friends and adventures where he lives, but then one day his family had to move. It's actually pretty sad!
I was so excited when I finished the book to realize, "I read it!!!" Yay! It was an exciting assignment for me!

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