
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Silas Boone is One Year Old

One year ago today my baby Silas Boone was born. Wow! How he has changed, and how time goes so quickly. I remember there was so much anticipation when he was born to see if he was a boy or a girl. Of course we would have been thrilled if he had been a girl, but we were really hoping for a brother for Joshua. The kids were in the room just outside of the birthing room. When they heard his first cry they were so ready to come in! When Mom told them they could come in, Patrick was so excited to tell them that he was a boy! They loved meeting their new brother. Do you ever wish you could go back and experience something just one more time? Well, that's one of those moments for me. I would love to go back and hear Patrick's proud voice telling them it was a boy. I would love to go back and see Joshua, Elisabeth, and Brenna's faces when they saw their brother for the first time. And I would love to go back and hold my newborn baby one more time. Of course, I know I can never "go back". I'm to cherish today and all the memories we can make today. Thank you Lord for your blessings on me! Our family tradition is to have birthday cake and presents for breakfast when it's your birthday. I convinced JEB that since Silas was turning one he needed to have his cereal first. They weren't all that crazy about that idea (or the idea that they have to do school on his birthday!) but, he ate his cereal, then we let him open his gifts.
Do you notice how many hands are in this picture "helping" him? None of them are mine or Patrick's!

For his birthday cake I made a homemade Banana cake with cream cheese frosting, but I made them into cupcakes instead. We sang "Happy Birthday" to him and he just watched us.

He was pretty excited to have his own cupcake and he kept saying "MMMM" I think he liked the frosting the best.

Silas can't decide if he wants to be right handed or a lefty. He switches back and forth a lot. So, he split the cupcake in half and had a piece in both hands. He also has a little problem with putting too much food in his mouth. We've had a few choking scares and that is no fun at all! Hopefully he'll learn to slow down and enjoy mealtime, but we're still trying to teach that to his brother!

The girls worked on this sign for him for his 1st Birthday. Happy Birthday, Silas! We sure do love you!


  1. Happy Birthday to Mr. Silas!! I agree with JEB that Silas' birthday should be a no-school holiday. In fact, I may go home from work in honor of this day ;). Congrats, Kami, on this day.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SILAS!!!! We love you.
    I agree....Silas' birthday should be a holiday too...NO-SCHOOL.
