
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Our Mornings

I think we're getting our morning routine down pretty well. We have school Tuesday -Friday, so it's pretty important that on those days we hit the ground running. Remember my goals? Well, they're happening a little more than half the time. That's good, right? :o)

I'm still trying to get up before everyone else and have my personal devotion time and exercise. So far, that's going okay. It didn't happen when Silas chose to be a nightowl one night last week. He finally fell asleep a couple of minutes before midnight. It was like he had coffee that day! But, other than that, getting up early works very well. It feels great to have my quiet time unrushed and distraction free. I'm finding that I actually like to see the sunrise! Dad, you should be proud!

After I finish my time, Patrick is usually in the kitchen drinking his coffee and reading his Bible or praying. It's so sweet because he always has my coffee ready to go, too. (He makes the best coffee...very strong!) (Just like my man!) Then, I wake up the kids. I usually have breakfast ready by the time they have all brushed teeth, washed faces, and have gotten dressed. Usually during breakfast we discuss what will be happening that day, then we all sing "When we see Christ" and pray together. Then, the children are off to do their chores while I clean up Silas and dress him for the day.

We've divided chores into 3...Chore A, Chore B, Chore C. Whatever letter you are for the week tells you which chore you do for the morning and for the evening, too.

Chore A Breakfast dishes, wash dinner dishes and has the front in the van. (It's actually the middle chair in the van next to Silas)
Chore B Clean bathroom, rinse dinner dishes and has one of the backseats
Chore C sweep kitchen and vacuum living room , dry and put away dinner dishes and has one the backseats

After chores it's the children's quiet time, then school time. Our mornings are going smoothly and I'm so thankful for diligent, obedient children.
Until, I saw this yesterday.......
It looks like Mr. Chore C for this week is training a slave, I mean helper! Silas loves the vacuum and was so proud of himself to do some vacuuming....with the encouragement of his brother!

I love watching my boys together!


  1. Your chore divisions are exactly what we did while ours were growing up - breakfast, bathroom, floors. It worked perfectly with 3 children! Now 2 of mine are grown and gone and I split most of that housekeeping with my daughter.

  2. way to go, Josh... train Silas :)
