
Saturday, January 23, 2010

This is how I'm really treated at home

When the kids were little it was hard to even have a break to use the restroom! I remember I would look forward all day to take a nice hot bubble bath.I would have a magazine ready to read and I would just soak. As soon as dinner would be done, Patrick would watch the children so I could have a few minutes alone. It never failed, they would have an urgent message to give me, a hug I just had to have that moment, or if all else failed, they would stick their little fingers under the door and wave at me. At the time I thought I would never have a break! No one ever told me that once your kids get older, it's the exact opposite. They actually need a little break from the Momma! The other day, I couldn't get out of the bathroom! No matter what I did, the door wouldn't open. Then, I hollered, "Patrick let me out!" He said it wasn't him trapping me in and he took this picture of my sweet Brenna! Can you believe this is actually how I'm treated! Looking back, I should have just filled up the bath again and just relaxed some more! (Although I usually use most or all of the hot water on the first bath!)
Children are a blessing. What seemed to be a slightly frustrating time of trying to have a few minutes of peace, now I look back with sweet memories. My children needed my attention. Now, my older 3 need me in a different way. It's amazing how things can change once your kids start to grow up. They don't necessarily need you to wash their face and brush their teeth. They don't have to have diaper changes and have to have milk before bedtime. But, they still need me, just in a different way. They need me to cook their favorites, remind them to be clean, have a listening ear ready, and they still need to be tucked in. And, just like before, they need my attention. Parenting is definitely the hardest thing I've ever done (and I've still got a long ways to go!) But, it's so neat that the hardest thing is also the most rewarding. I love being a Momma!

1 comment:

  1. this is sweet, Kami. The Lord has blessed your kids with a wonderful mom!
