
Thursday, April 15, 2010

35 weeks and counting!

Yesterday we hit the 35 week mark in our pregnancy. Today, I met my alternate sage-femme (midwife). Her name is also Monique like my other midwife and I thought she was great! She will be attending the birth only if it is my other mid-wife's day off. We look right on schedule, maybe even a little behind, which is good! Actually, it's great because I'm praying that my Mom will be here for the birth!
She said the baby is actually measuring pretty small, but she said I have plenty of "amniotic fluid" She said just think of as instead of my baby swimming in a regular size pool, I'm giving the baby an olympic size one, instead. Wow, Thanks!

We went over my expectations and desires for the birth of our new little one and I'm getting very excited about meeting this precious one growing inside of me. Last night Joshua had nursery duty. Silas is the only baby in our nursery, so really he just has playtime with his brother. Josh said he rocked one of the baby dolls to find out what Silas would do. He stood in front of him and wanted to be held...oh dear, adjustments, here we come!

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