
Saturday, April 17, 2010

School News

My sweeties are busy trying to wrap up our school year. Our goal to finish is May 6th. It looks like we might make it!...with the exception of Josh's math, it may take one extra week, we'll see! The children are very diligent to use their time at language school, while me and Patrick are in Madame Claire's office, to get as much school done as possible. Now, that Silas doesn't always take his morning nap there, it has become a little more difficult. When we get to Madame Claire's Silas has his pack-n-play time. He enjoys sitting and reading a ton of books that we bring him (did I type read? I guess I mean "look at") and he sometimes plays with the toys we put in there for him. We rotate toys out once a week and seems content for a while to stay in his pack-n-play. But, after a while you can tell he's done. I usually bring him into the office and he has a juice break or may write on some of my school papers for me. Usually he will run to Madame Claire's side of the desk and will sit in her lap and go through her pencil jar. That's when our class ceases for a little bit and we take a break. She gets very distracted by Silas and sort of tunes us out! :o) But, that's okay, the Lord has blessed us with an amazing professor that is a mom of 3 grown boys. She loves having four kids to spoil and be with 4 days a week. She always has cookies and cakes for JEB and always can spare some time to just look at Silas. We are truly blessed.
Then, after a break with Silas in the room, Josh, Beth, and Brenna will each take turns with Silas. They do 10 minute shifts each where they play with him. They are so patient and sweet to play with him while I'm going to school!
Once we get home and have lunch, the children sit around the table and finish up their schoolwork for the day. I knew JEB would love their younger sibling, I just didn't realize how much they would love to be with him! After lunch Josh pulled up Silas's highchair, got out some old paces and a highlighter and pencil. Silas was so excited to do school with the "big kids".
Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with a fantastic family and for the love we have for each other.

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