
Monday, May 31, 2010

Mom's Visit Part 2

This is the second and final installment of pictures from my Mom's trip. We did so many things, had so much fun, and made so many memories! Mom and I both share a love for quilting. We looked at several quilt blogs together, dreamed and planned for quilts to come, shopped for fabric (for my birthday gift Mom and Dad gave me money that could only be used at the fabric store! I bought some gorgeous fabric in colors that I've never used before. I love it! I'll post pics soon) and we even worked on a quilt together! But, this quilt is a secret gift until a certain wonderful person's birthday. It's going to be beautiful, I know!

Mom and Silas enjoying a fruit cup on our front porch. I know I said this before, but the weather was absolutely gorgeous and we spent a lot of time outdoors.

Our landlord bought us a firepit (is that what they are called?) We roasted marshmellows and hot dogs one night. Josh lit the fire with his flint and steel. He worked very hard at that!

Mom took lots of family pictures of us and I love how they turned out. I'm so glad my friend Estelle took this picture of us with Mom.

Of course, we took Mom to Old Quebec to see Chateau Frontenac.

It was so hot that day. We bought McDonalds for lunch, but there were no available seats that had room for 2 strollers in the restaurant. We walked up a huge steep hill and found a shady grassy spot for a picnic. It was great!

Mom brought a pattern for the girls to learn to sew their own purse. It turned out so cute!

Mom has my kids officially hooked on Sleepy Time Tea. When she left we only had a couple of bags left. Josh made sure I bought some more at the store when I went grocery shopping. In fact, this morning Brenna wanted a cup. I told her we'll keep sleepy time tea reserved for nighttime! They enjoyed their nightly tea and tea parties with their Grandma. They acted pretty goofy sometimes!

Getting ready for a PBJ picnic!
Josh and Brenna had a contest to see who could find the longest Dandelion.

I think Silas won! He is such a copy-cat now!

Picnic by the river.

Another Tea Party! Even Patrick participated with English accent and all!

On Mom's last night we put her dinner on the Special Plate. She did so much for all of us and we all enjoyed her visit. It flew by!
The original plan was for Mom to make it to see her 18th grandchild born, but Miss Callie Grace decided to come early. When my waterbroke I called Mom right away and cried that she wasn't going to make it. But, looking back, I know the Lord was in control. It was so nice to have Mom here when I still needed to recuperate. But, I was also rested enough to do some things and show her around. It was a great trip and I love my Mom so much. She makes all of us feel like we are the most important people on earth. She gives us individual attention, something my children especially needed. Thanks, Mom, for your love and care, your meals and cleaning, your fun spirit that's full of ideas of what we can do next, for your Godly example, thanks for being my Mom! I love you and miss you already!


  1. I'm so glad your mom got to come and help & visit with your family! Moms love to do that, don't they?!

  2. awww, how fun. I love the last picture :)
