
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Family Fun Nights are Back!

It's been while since we've had a planned Family Fun Night. Patrick and I decided it was time to get back to our Friday Family Fun Nights, especially for the sake of our oldest 3. We decided to revamp things a little bit.
We'll still have : A fun junk food type dinner, some sort of soda, a dessert that we will vote on earlier in the week, and some sort of fun activity.
We decided to add: a time of singing hymns together and a Bible Study or read some sort of spiritual growth book

We had a great time Friday Night! We started off by singing some hymns together. We sang parts in harmony, laughed when we went off key, and just enjoyed singing together. Then, Patrick gave us a Bible Study on "A Wounded Spirit" It was so good and challenging. Then, we had our activity. Earlier in the week Patrick told us that we needed to build some sort of "carrier" for an egg. You could use anything in the house, but your "carrier" couldn't be more than 8 inches wide. Then, on Friday, we would drop the carriers from the second story and see who could keep their egg from breaking. Here is Patrick and Josh. They both made some sort of parachute. Patrick had a spring type system, it was very detailed!
This is us girls carriers. Beth and Brenna also had parachutes, Mine was a little simpler. I decided to go lightweight in hopes that mine would float to the ground.

There was lots of excitement when it was time to drop the eggs!

Even our neighbor, Gabe, came to see the results!

Brenna was VERY excited when her egg didn't break!

Josh's didn't either! In fact, the only person that had an egg break on the first drop was....Patrick! Ha!

Then, we did repeat drops, Beth's broke. But, mine, Josh's and Brenna's were still whole! We dropped again and mine broke. :o( Then, for Josh's and Brenna's we decided to remove the parachutes, and Brenna's broke.

So, Josh was declared the winner and gets to go to Dollarama for a Candy Bar.

After all the egg excitement we enjoyed some Mint Brownie Cheesecake that Elisabeth had made. It was very delicious! Then, we ended our evening with the game Imaginiff.
I love our Family Fun Nights and I'm so glad we're getting back on schedule.

1 comment:

  1. We used to have family fun nights too but then slowly faded into movie night. Sounds like we need to revamp too.
    Looks like a great time!
