
Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Callie Grace~4 Months old

Today, my Callie Grace turned 4 months old. She is such a sweet and good baby. She's very content to sit in her swing and play on her playmat. She still gets lots of attention from JEBS and she loves it when Silas comes to her swing and talks to her and swings her (sometimes too high!) She's become a little bit of a chunk with lots of cute rolls on her thighs and some pretty chunky cheeks, too! Josh says that's one of things that makes her so cute!
Yesterday at bedtime, Beth and Brenna came and got Callie and said it was time for her to move in with them. I can't believe she still sleeps in mine and Patrick's room! She still fits very well in her bassinet and usually sleeps well through the night. (last night she woke up because she soaked through her diaper)

She now knows her name and can roll over belly to back.

She's also discovered her hands and feet. She likes to bring her hands together in front of her face. She looks like she's praying! How cute!

Happy 4 month b-day Callie Grace. We sure do love you and we pray for you everyday that you'll one day accept Christ as your Savior. I love you!


  1. Love the peek of your toes!!! hahaha:) Also, I'm very impressed with the girls cake decorating. That's unreal for them to be doing that well at it for their age!!! Job Well Done!

  2. What a pretty little doll you have! And, I love her bright-colored outfit!

  3. She is so adorable. Love her chipmunk cheeks. I can't wait to play with her and hear her giggles.
    Love your polished toes.

  4. Love her half grin too. So CUTE!!!
