
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

School Time!

August 17th was our first day of school! (I know, I'm a little late posting this) We're off to a great start. I love homeschooling my kiddos!

This year we are enrolled again in Lighthouse Christian Academy using the ACE curriculum. Just like any other curriculum, there are positives and negatives, but we really like this program and it works very well for our family. I love how ACE incorporates Bible principles into every single subject. I love how they continually point my children to Christ!

This year Brenna is in 6th grade. A middleschooler! She was so excited to start school, that she actually started the night before and did a few pages in each pace. Elisabeth is in 7th grade this year. For 7th graders, literature is optional (not English and Word Building, but reading the assigned books and doing a pace with them). Since she loves reading so much, we went ahead and ordered the Literature for her. I'm thrilled with the books she's going to be reading this year. One of them is Through Gates of Splendor, by Elisabeth Elliot. She's going to love it! She also has some good biographies to read, too.

My Josh is a highschool freshman, now (sniff, sniff) He loves that he is taking College Prep courses. He's enjoying Algebra and doing very well, but it is definitely challenging for him. His favorite is New Testament Survey. He loves digging deeper into God's Word and learning the history behind that time period.

2010-2011 school year is off to a great start!


  1. We started yesterday. My baby is a senior this year! I have mixed emotions, but mostly looking forward to seeing my girl finish her high school and press toward college.

    Here in BC, we have to register, but we're allowed to use our own curriculum and be totally independent. We tried enrolling in an umbrella school, but they were too intrusive, so we went back to just registering that we have a homeschooler.

    Have a great year!

  2. so excited for y'all. Really watch ACE in Math tho. It can be weak in that area. We ended up doing Saxon Math for highschool. I love ACE lit books tho and like you said there is biblical themes in each subject. I have read more Missionary biographies throught ACE's English :)
