
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Trip to Florida #2

Back to our trip! We enjoyed the drive through the Adirondacks. It's so beautiful! Patrick and I lived in Plattsburgh when we were first married, so it brings back lots of memories to come this way.

We had a "fun" time trying to get hotel rooms each night. We wanted to be able to drive as far as we could each day, so it was hard to tell in advance where we would be. Once Patrick (and Silas!) started to wear down, I would use my Streets and Trips program and plot an hour down the road. Then, the "fun" calling began to find a hotel room that was cheap, cheap, cheap, and clean, too! As one lady put it, "You want to house 5 children in one hotel room!" There was only one hotel that let us all sleep in the same room. (Josh had his sleeping bags for him and Silas, Callie had her pack-n-play, Patrick and I in one bed, the girls in the other). This hotel was really neat and had 3 beds. I had never seen anything like that and it worked perfect for our family!

We also resorted to the old faithful PBJ's for lunch. A little messy for a road trip, but we fed ourselves lunch for $6 a meal! Wow!

Plus, it was good for my kiddos to get out and enjoy the fresh air at a picnic table, then run around a little bit, too.

New Jersey

The portable DVD player worked very well to use when the kids were finished with school.


Font sizeMaryland

For some reason, my trusty Streets and Trips took us through downtown Washington DC before we realized what was happening. I thought it was great! Patrick, my I'd-rather-stay-on-the-interstate-no-matter-what husband, didn't actually agree.


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