
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Trip to Florida #3

Before we left Canada, we told the kids we wanted to plan a half-day fun stop. We talked about many possibilities and the kids finally decided on going to the zoo. We found a small little zoo in Richmond, Virginia that was perfect for a 3 hour stop. Before heading inside Patrick received a call from a preacher in Florida! Yay! On our trip he got a total of 3 preachers calling about scheduling meetings. God is so good and always right on time! The zoo had many animals and it was a stop enjoyed by all 7 of us.

The White Tiger

Watching the cute black bear sleeping.

Brenna and her favorite animal...the turtle. Or is this a tortoise?

Feeding the giraffes. It was actually kind of gross! They have long, slobbery, black tongues, and we were feeding them right before lunch! Yuk!

During lunch we were attacked by bees. I think they need to open up a new exhibit! This was also our first day of HOT! I think we're already starting to miss our 60 degree Quebec weather!

We took a train ride to see some more animals. Poor Callie cried the whole time. I wonder what that tour guide was actually saying? I don't think anyone was really able to hear her. (how embarassing)

The kiddos loved feeding all of the animals. My Bethy has always loved Bambi, she was glad to finally meet him!

It was a perfect stop to get some fresh air, stretch our legs, and make some memories together. We left the zoo at naptime and we were able to get in lots of afternoon miles.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun day.
    2nd picture resembles Patrick. :-)
