
Monday, April 25, 2011


Today was a pretty hard day for me and for my family, too. Today was the day we had the funeral for my Grandma. Even though it was a difficult day, I'm so thankful that God is our comforter. He gives such peace. Grandma requested that Patrick be the one to preach her funeral. He did so well, and two people raised their hands to say that they accepted Christ as their Savior! Praise the Lord!

Then we had the graveside service. Afterwards we (me,my Mom, and my 3 sisters) noticed my Dad and our husbands were huddled together in a circle, with arms around one another, praying. Today was also the day of good-byes for Patrick and Josh, too, as they leave for St. Barths in the morning. It was so sweet to see our "guys" praying together, and then shedding some tears as they said good-bye.

One of the things written in a letter from my Grandma, that she wanted read after her death, admonished our family to remember to "Stay Together" I'm so thankful for my family! I love the time we have together, and the way we work together. I praise the Lord that my family all belong to the same church and serve the Lord together. God's been so good to me!

Pray for Patrick and Josh. Pray for safety. Pray for an easy adjustment. I think they're excited about spending some "guy-time' together.

So, this is our last week here. We have a ton of things and our "Must-Do" list, and even more on our "Want-to-do" list. I know it will be super busy, but I'm looking forward to one more week with my Dad, Mom, and sisters and their families. Thank you Lord, for this time!


  1. I was crying as I read this and don't really know what to say, but wanted to let you know I will be praying and thinking of you.

  2. I'm just proud of you for using the word admonished in your blog. Nice vocab, sis! :)

  3. Dear Miss Kami, we go to WRBC, and we wanted you to know that we've been praying for you, and are looking forward to seeing what the LORD will do in St. Barts. Be strong and of a good courage, for the LORD is on your side! Bonjour to the family!

  4. I fell in love with your youngest two in the nursery(at WRBC)! Kisses to Silas and Callie!

  5. We will miss you guys but we know you are going right to the "spot" that you need to be. Love you sis!

    p.s. It was so sweet seeing the guys praying (and crying) together!
